I hope that you have decided to participate in The Effective Communication Challenge, working through the “7 Biggest Communication Mistakes That Business Owners Make”. Last month we talked about the first mistake which was: not telling people what you do or about all of the services that you offer. My hope is that over the last month, if applicable, you were able to put some the tips into action to correct this mistake in your company. Let’s talk about the 2nd mistake:

Mistake # 2 Not Communicating Broadly Enough

Most business owners know everything that goes on in their business. Most employees are on a need to know basis. However, the owner wants the employees to help the company succeed and grow. How is that supposed to work? I am not saying go and tell everything about your company to everyone that works for you. What I am saying is that you need to have some sort of general transparency company wide.

When it comes to broadening your horizons on communication, you don’t want to leave anyone out. Your employees, customers, dealers and vendors all need to know what you offer and what your company does. This will allow them to help or serve you better. For example, if you run a auto repair shop and are getting ready to have an oil change special, it would be a great idea to alert your oil supplier so they have enough on hand are don’t run out.

Tip for Mistake #2 Take time this month to broaden your communication. Find 1 or 2 things related to your business that you would normally not bring up in your company weekly meeting and bring them. When you meet with your sales representative from your dealer or vendor, make sure that they know what your company is does and ask them how else they can help you. Lastly, don’t forget about your customers. Continue to communicate to them about what your company does. They will come to you for things that they know that you do, or offer. If you want to get the most out of your customers, then make sure they know everything that you do.

Take time this month to address this mistake in your company. I challenge you to find out which part of the mistake is affecting the bottom line of your company. If this mistake does not exist in your business, then pat yourself and your team on that back. If it does, then you can take the first step in the The Effective Communication Challenge. Try some of the tips that I have given you. If you come up with other ones, please let us know be commenting on our blog page commchallenge.blogspot.com. I look forward to your feedback!

Until next month, Shoot For You Forecast and Strive For The Best!